I'm Marco Antonio Siurob, Full Stack Developer focused on web, mobile and firmware development.
Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniería y Tecnologías Avanzadas IPN
Mechatronics Engineer
Mexico City, Mexico
2013 - 2018
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos UPM
Computer Science Engineer
Madrid, Spain
Centro de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos No. 10 Carlos Vallejo Márquez IPN
Telecommunications Technician
Mexico City, Mexico
2010 - 2013
IDE Milusos
Chief Technology Officer and Full Stack Developer
Mexico City, Mexico
December 2018 - Current
Full Stack Developer
Mexico City, Mexico
November 2018 - December 2018
Freelance (Workana)
Full Stack Developer
June 2022 - Current
Programming Languages
JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C++, C, C#, Java, PHP, Lua, Elixir, MATLAB.
Operating Systems
Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10), Ubuntu, Debian, Mint.
Version Control Management
Git, Github, GitLab, Bitbucket.
Relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite), No Relational (MongoDB, Firebase, Redis), ORM Frameworks (Sequelize, Eloquent), ODM Frameworks (Mongoose).
Web Development
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, React (Router, Redux, Material UI, Next.js), Angular (Router, AngularFire), Vue (Router, Vuex, Pinia, Vuetify, Nuxt.js), Bootstrap, Materialize, 2D Graphics (p5.js), 3D Graphics (Three.js).
Back End: Express (JavaScript), Tornado (Python), Laravel (PHP), AWS Lambda, Firebase Functions.
Web hosting: Heroku, Vercel, Railway, AWS, DigitalOcean, Github Pages.
Database hosting: Atlas (MongoDB), Parse Server.
Mobile Development
Flutter (Dart), Ionic (Angular, TypeScript), React Native.
Virtual Machines (Vagrant, VirtualBox, HyperV), Containers (Docker, Docker Compose), AWS SAM Templates, AWS Cloud Formation.
Agile Methodology
Scrum, Kanban, JIRA, Asana.
Milusos - IDE Milusos
Chief Technology Officer, Full Stack Developer, Linux Systems Administrator.
Milusos is a frictionless platform created to match labor services customers with handyman in the same region. I started as a Back End Developer, but with a lot of effort and dedication I've been growing until I get to the Chief Technology Officer charge. We started as a sigle app team, but as we were growing, we started to develop applications for third parties.
- Coordinate the development process of mobile and web apps.
- Active Full Stack Developer in charge of the API and Front End development.
- Mobile Development supervision and guidance.
- Data wrangling and Data analysis.
- Linux systems maintenance.
- Back End: Node.js, Express.js, pm2, Mongoose, Sequlize, Strapi, Laravel, Eloquent, PHP.
- Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Handlebars, SASS, Bootstrap, Material UI, Twig, Wordpress.
- Database: MongoDB, MySQL, Firebase.
- Mobile: Flutter, Android, iOS.
- Linux: Ubuntu, Nginx, fail2ban, Docker, Vagrant, VirtualBox.
Cobalt - IDE Milusos
Full Stack Developer.
Cobalt was a project dedicated to match customers with technology experts. Because it's similarities with Milusos they wanted us to help them with some Back End and Fronted tasks.
- AWS Lambda Functions Development.
- AWS Serverless services configuration.
- React Front End code refractor and development.
- Back End: AWS Lambda, Node.js.
- Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.
- Database: AWS DynamoDB.
- Serverless DevOps: SAM Templates.
Cartet - IDE Milusos
Full Stack Developer
Cartet was a proof of concept project that wanted to gather all possible web store carts in a single Google Chrome Extension. They asked us to develop the entire project, so we were in charge of the Infrastructure, Back End, Front End and all the dev tasks.
- AWS Lambda Functions Development.
- AWS Serverless services configuration.
- Vue Front End development.
- Google Chrome Extension development.
- Back End: AWS Lambda, AWS Cognito, Node.js.
- Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue, Bootstrap.
- Database: AWS DynamoDB.
- Serverless DevOps: SAM Templates, AWS Cloud Formation.
Elvira Gourmet - IDE Milusos
Full Stack Developer
This is a website for a professional chef who wanted to share and sell her recipes online. She asked us for a Content Management System solution, so I developed the website using Next.js for the server side rendering, and created a Strapi instace for the content management.
- Front End development with React and Next.js
- Strapi CMS customization and deployment.
- Nginx reverse proxy configuration.
- Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Material UI.
- Content Management System: Strapi CMS, MongoDB.
- Web server: Nginx.
Fit Fighters Web Payments - Yamblet
Full Stack Developer
Fit Figthers is a workout routine app. I was in charge of the development of the subscriptions web portal for the app.
- Front End development with React.
- Connection with Paypal payments processor.
- Back End webhooks development with Node.js
- Back End: Node.js, Parse Server.
- Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Material UI.
- Database: MongoDB.
Easy Pay Park - Freelance
Full Stack Developer, Firmware Developer
Easy Pay Park is an automated parking solution. They wanted to have a dashboard where they can control their microcontrollers via a web interface. I was in charge of the full developent of this platform, so I developed the Front End, the Back End and the Firmware of the system. The microcontrollers were connected to the server using MQTT protocol, then the server sent the data over Websockets to the UI and vice versa.
- Front End development with React.
- Back End Development with Node.js.
- Firmware development with Arduino.
- Real time communication with Websockets and MQTT over Ethernet implementation.
- Back End: Node.js, TypeScript, Websockets with Socket.io, MQTT with Aedes.
- Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Material UI.
- Database: SQLite3.
- Firmware: Arduino, MQTT PubSub client.
Loopsas - Freelance
Front End Developer
Loopsas is a Colombian cloth and fabric factory. They requested me to migrate their website using React, make it responsive and connect their contact form to an email service.
- Front End development with React.
- Email service connection with Email.js
- Front End: HTML, SASS, JavaScript, React, Boostrap.
- Email service: Email.js
Garita - Freelance
Flutter Developer
Garita is a mobile app for housing complex access control. They asked me to update their Flutter UI and add new features to the app and the serverless backend.
- Mobile development with Flutter.
- Serverless Back End development with Firebase Functions.
- Mobile Development: Flutter.
- Serverless Back End: Firebase.
Restaurant App - Freelance
Flutter Developer
I was requested to develop a mobile app for a spanish restaurant. It was developed with Flutter for crossplatform support and contains some basic information of the restaurant like the menu, location, and an embedded website.
- Mobile development with Flutter.
- Connection with Google Maps.
- Insert the restaurant website into the app home.
- Mobile Development: Flutter.
- Google services: Google maps.
React component connection with Google Sheets - Freelance
Full Stack Developer
I was requested to build a web form that was able to create rows inside a Google Sheets table. I developed the form as React component that is able to be mounted in any HTML just by invoking a script. For the connection with Google Sheets I created a Vercel function that receives the form data and then it creates the row into the table using the Google Drive API.
- Front End development with React.
- Connection with Google Sheets using Google Drive API.
- Vercel Serverles Function deployment.
- Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Boostrap.
- Serverless Functions: Node.js, Vercel.
- Google services: Google Cloud, Google Drive API.
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